We are saving a seat for you!

Take your seat at the Intentional Table. in the world, there are many tables. Some of them do not like you to sit, perhaps even deny you the chance. Our table is our “big tent” with a seat for everyone. This table is a moveable feast and can be as literal or virtual as you desire.

This table is where conversations happen, where we bond over and break bread with Intention. We converse about a lifestyle choice that includes those things that seek to make us whole and well and unite us. Join me for a good glass of wine and some fine, lovely things to discuss.

RSVP for the guest list here!

In the Kitchen @ Musea

The Intentional Table is made by, made for, and made in collaboration with our honored guests and community.

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen…

Chef McCloud

p.s. For every 100 paid sign-ups I receive, I gift 10 paid subscriptions for those who would love to participate, so if you’re interested in being gifted, sign up here: Gift Subscription Request.

Subscribe to The Intentional Table

The Intentional Creativity Approach to Cuisine, Wine and Wellness.


Artist, Educator and Business Owner.