Chaos is the New Black.
I haven't been promising, meaning threatening to do this for quite some time. When Sue Sellars was alive I made a pronouncement in the middle of a fancy dinner in Montparnasse at Cafe’ les du Magot that I would be launching a new book called “Chaos is the New Black.” this was in 2014 and as you may have noticed it is no longer 2014 it is quite a distance later however I may be the last worker in the vineyard and I may be extremely late to work but I am showing up and punching the clock anyway.
If you are reading this that means that you are one of 617+ beautiful individuals who have asked to have me send you my thoughts and pondering about the intentional table which of course is where you are reading this. For all of you both paid and unpaid subscribers I am incredibly grateful and it really makes me feel amazing that many of you open the emails that I send from substack right away and reading comment on them. That really goes a long way to supporting my livelihood and encouraging me to keep my thoughts moving and my fingers on the keyboard.
I'm sure you can see the logo at the top of this and here is a brief explanation first of all the title is a nod to the fact that hyperthreading of information seems to be so fashionable and is sweeping the planet with the use of AI and broad sweeping technologies that will supposedly and remarkably enhance The Human Experience although I do have my doubts.
Information in fact is a serious mental and bodily health issue. The mental part is kind of easy because it's just straight overwhelm but what you don't realize is that the constant state of hyper-vigilance hyper-awareness, dopamine derived need, real (fake) need for information feed and distraction causes a state wherein our nervous systems are in a constant state of actual inflammation and that constant state of inflammation leads to serious physical health issues like autoimmune disease which are manifest in every corner of society across the world now. So let's just get that straight shall we that the hyper availability and speed of transformation, digitization, and information threaded throughout the world is making us sick. Deadly sick.
So now what do we do about it the question is perhaps not how we turn off the fire hose of information that hits us every day or even the second tier which is how we react or are in relationship with that information. It's how do we throttle that information down so that it in fact is not a fire hose anymore it's more like a garden hose like the one I would drink out of as a kid, you know before that would kill me from tainted, chlorinated fluid that resembles water.
🔥Last we have come to the answer which is Chaos is the New Black which is my very brand new like, as in launched today new substack that is available for your consternation and approval or disgust and disapproval, totally your call. 😎
You may be asking yourself, well, what the heck is over there? If you have been reading the Intentional Table you know that I sometimes will talk about geopolitics, global energy policy, the state of conflicts or politics and make a lot of cross references so I thought one of my biggest frustrations was (and maybe one of your biggest frustrations) is to have a news feed or at least an information source where big topics, macro topics can be reduced to micro topics and given to you in such a way that you can understand them repeat them at work and look really smart and snappy and who knows maybe even get a raise! Worth every penny, I am telling you!
Here is how you get on the list, and if you please, subscribe for actual money, as I am no longer ashamed to ask you for a little. Yes, I really have not asked much at the Table, as it’s a gift to write to you there. This is my livelihood now, and I appreciate the perks, you know, like food and shelter. They come in handy. There are also some offers available for new peeps. (You are all new, in fact).
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Here, I am Chef, there, I am provocateur. Come and See.
~ Jonathan
Lots to take in.. what can we earthlings do to do prepare .. inquiring minds want to know .. 😳